We would love your input in sustaining the Studio as a lively, fun, creative space, in whatever capacity you can offer. We are a not for profit Community Interest Company - any profits made go into running the space. So whether as a volunteer, or sponsor/partner/advisor, as a workshop leader, or help to paint the shelves, we really do welcome your time, skills and experience.



Your donation allows us to connect people and create partnerships connecting the local with the worldwide stage. Your contribution will pay for expertise in arts and health for everyone's benefit.

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Become a sponsor

We welcome interest from private and public sectors for investment and involvement - lets have a conversation about how we can help combine our resources and work together.

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Tell your friends and family about this lovely resource and make it special. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and sign up to an occasional newsletter too.

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We would love to hear from anyone that would like to get involved in the day to day management of the space and the company - practical people, techie people and general bods.

Fill in the form →


Are you a business person or marketing/financial/law/health/arts or other expert, like what we're doing and wish to contribute in a professional or advisory capacity? Can you write grant forms?!

Lend your expertise →



Do you have a suggestion for our programme? Can you help with a possible funding source? Know of some great speakers or workshop leaders or want to run something yourself?

Send us an email →